  1.  80
    Legitimate requests and indecent proposals: matters of justice in the ethical assessment of phase I trials involving competent patients.W. M. Kong - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (4):205-208.
    The death of Jesse Gelsinger in 1999 during a gene therapy trial raised many questions about the ethical review of medical research. Here, the author argues that the principle of justice is interpreted too narrowly and receives insufficient emphasis and that what we permit in terms of bodily invasion affects the value we place on individuals. Medical research is a societally supported activity. As such, the author contends that justice requires that invasive medical research demonstrates sufficiently compelling societal benefit. Many (...)
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    Readiness for legally literate medical practice? Student perceptions of their undergraduate medico-legal education.M. Preston-Shoot, J. McKimm, W. M. Kong & S. Smith - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (10):616-622.
    Medical councils increasingly require graduates to understand law and to practise medicine mindful of the legal rules. In the UK a revised curriculum for medical law and ethics has been published. However, coverage of law in medical education remains variable and doubts exist about how far students acquire legal knowledge and skills in its implementation. This survey of students in two UK medical schools measured their law learning and their confidence in using this knowledge. Concept maps and a self-audit questionnaire (...)
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    Include medical ethics in the Research Excellence Framework.W. M. Kong, B. Vernon, K. Boyd, R. Gillon, B. Farsides & G. Stirrat - unknown
    The Research Excellence Framework of the Higher Education Funding Council for England is taking place in 2013, its three key elements being outputs, impact, and “quality of the research environment”. Impact will be assessed using case studies that “may include any social, economic or cultural impact or benefit beyond academia that has taken place during the assessment period.”1 Medical ethics in the UK still does not have its own cognate assessment panel—for example, bioethics or applied ethics—unlike in, for example, Australia. (...)
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